@article{119826, author = {Sharon Bzostek and Narayan Sastry and Noreen Goldman and Anne Pebley and Denise Duffy}, title = {Using Vignettes to Rethink Latino-White Disparities in Self-Rated Health}, abstract = { Researchers often rely on respondents{\textquoteright} self-rated health (SRH) to measure social disparities in health, but recent studies suggest that systematically different reporting styles across groups can yield misleading conclusions about disparities in SRH. In this study, we test whether this finding extends to ethnic differences in self-assessments of health in particular domains. We document differences between US-born whites and four Latino subgroups in respondents{\textquoteright} assessments of health in six health domains using data from the second wave of the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey (N~=~1468). We use both conventional methods and an approach that uses vignettes to adjust for differential reporting styles. }, year = {2016}, journal = {Social Science \& Medicine}, volume = {149}, pages = {46-65}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953615302392?via\%3Dihub}, language = {eng}, }