@article{121596, author = {Dana A. Glei and Noreen Goldman and Vladimir M. Shkolnikov and Dmitri Jdanov and Svetlana Shalnova and Maria Shkolnikova and Maxine Weinstein}, title = {To What Extent do Biological Markers Account for the Large Social Disparities in Health in Moscow?}, abstract = { The Russian population continues to face political and economic challenges, has experienced poor general health and high mortality for decades, and has exhibited widening health disparities. The physiological factors underlying links between health and socioeconomic position in the Russian population are therefore an important topic to investigate. We used data from a population-based survey of Moscow residents aged 55 and older (n~=~1495), fielded between December 2006 and June 2009, to address two questions. First, are social disparities evident across different clusters of biomarkers? Second, does biological risk mediate the link between socioeconomic status and health? }, year = {2013}, journal = {Social Science \& Medicine}, volume = {77}, pages = {164-172}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027795361200771X}, language = {eng}, }